How to use KLAY account

Send and Receive Klaytn (KLAY) coin

How to create an KLAY account

If you don't have Klaytn account, create new account. Coin name for KLAY is "Klaytn (KLAY)".

For more details of creating an account, click below link.

Receive KLAY coin

From your coin account, click "Receive" to view your account address.

For more details of receiving coin, click below link.

Sending KLAY Coin

The procedures to send KLAY coin are same as sending general coin. You can see in the below link to check how to send coin.

Set the fee for Klaytn

The fee of Klaytn is consist of GAS fee and GAS limit. The unit of GAS fee is "Ston" which is one of KLAY's sub unit.

1 KLAY = 1,000,000,000 ston

The real fee to be paid is calculated as "Used GAS amount" x "GAS fee".

GAS fee is fixed on Klaytn, and you can change GAS Limit on fee setting stage.

GAS Limit is automatically calculated in D'CENT mobile application.

Last updated